Friday, 11 October 2013

REFLECTION - 11.10.2013.

Today me and Jane had to stage our conversation (!). We decided to go downstairs into the second year studio since it was much quieter than ours upstairs. It was a bit weird/awkward to start with since we knew we were recording ourselves talk but about 10 minutes in we felt more comfortable. We thought that the tutors would listen to the discussion after during our crit so we did introduce what each of us was looking into for our own projects but we didn't ramble on too much (I hope!). We then moved onto our main question of 'How history has influenced fashion' and discussed the images that I had brought along and Jane made some really good points that linked both our subject areas into the discussion. The conversation lasted around 25 minutes since it came to an end naturally and then we got to play it back! We chose to both listen to it and whatever points came up that seemed interesting, useful or humorous we made notes of it, regardless of who said it. I managed to make about 3 pages of quick bullet points with my notes but I can always go back to it and have a listen if I need anything else. 

At 1:30 we had our group crit with Glynn which went nicely! We gave a brief explanation of our projects to everyone then told them how we recorded our discussion then what our plans our for the final piece. Glynn thought we'd done a good job but did bring up some good points to consider:
  • Could also make the initial thinking/processes and dialogue part of the final piece too, not just what we recorded. Look at it as a whole. 
  • Make the major points obvious. 
  • Draw people in with our imagery/type! 

I'm glad we had the crit since its given us something to think about over this weekend but also pleased that we've got it out of the way so we can get really stuck in! I need to think about imagery and type this weekend so then I have a variety of images to bring with me on Monday. 

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