A few days I had a group crit with Glyn to show my ideas, current progression and development. I'd spent Monday morning/afternoon playing around with printing my collages onto parchment paper which has a lovely see through quality to it and added a really nice texture to my images. I tried printing out my work in various sizes and thought they worked nicely when they were super small in the middle of the page, although they worked equally as well blown up, filling the entire page. Everyone seemed to enjoy what I had made and it also gave me a chance to explain what thoughts and ideas I had about my project (see here and here!). Glyn made some really good points in how to develop my work further:
- Some great imagery.
- Consider the thread that runs through imagery more.
- Is this a story about your Grandmother that could touch upon Italian culture - broader cultural issues and the issues that affect your family? Or good things? - that could be typically Italian.
- Love the idea of adding the hand writing.
- Look at typography to take photos of and maybe incorporate into collages.
I definitely need to have a clearer thread that connects the images together more, even a narrative of some sort. I forget that this is a personal project and thus need to tell people what I am showing through my work since they wouldn't know otherwise! I'd also like to play around with typography since I think that would work really well against the imagery.
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