Thursday 25 April 2013


Graham Rawle 

Clara Mata

Eva Lake

These are some scans I'd done from the library workshop I'd gone to.  I found that they had some really interesting books laid out that linked in with my own project and I ended up taking out the Graham Rawle book so I could have a closer look at it at home. I was really glad they had a lot of collage/photo montage artists out to look at since I feel that it's an area that's not really highlighted much in the library groups. What interested me about these images is the different approaches taken towards collage. Graham Rawle's technique is very much about layering and his work reminds me of Kurt Schwitters, with his use of tearing and using various types of paper. I really liked Clara Mata's work due to its surrealism and mixtures of paper, card, old boxes and drawing too. The last images are by Eva Lake. Her work caught my attention because of her use of nostalgic images of beauty and pop culture. 

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