Thursday, 13 February 2014


This book was recommended to me by one of my tutors, Peter, during one of my crits. I'd never come across it before but I'm glad I was told about this! It was written and put together by Italian artist and designer, Bruno Munari and essentially it is a visual diary of well known Italian hand gestures accompanied by their meaning. 

There are plenty of stereotypes that revolve around Italy but I feel that these (sometimes) lighthearted jokes and jests are about certain aspects which play a fundamental part within our culture. Yes we love food, yes are hands never stop moving and yes we're loud! But these traits are something that Italians, including myself, feel very proud of. What I really enjoyed about this book is that it highlights something which embodies Italian vigour so well through the simplicity of hand gestures. This has made me think about what I would like to show through my work for this project because I feel that there are so many things that are personal and part of who I am and its all very overwhelming. My next step will be to make a list of everything that I think represents Italy for me alongside what it may represent for other people. This should help me create small headings/themes to work towards so that my work makes more sense visually to others viewing it. 

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