"Italianamerican" is a short film produced by Martin Scorsese in 1974. It focuses on his parents stories of immigration to New York and their early life and is a charming insight into what a lot of Italians had been through but also the topics discussed are an interesting view of what life was like back then. Topics such as religion, ancestors, their origins, and life in Italy after the war are all brought up and spoken about in a way that only Scorsese's parents could have. The film also includes his mothers meatball recipe featured during the credits of the film.
The whole setting and the way they spoke about their lives reminded me a lot about my own grandparents and stories they have told me. I'm planning a trip to Italy during April so that I am able to take more photos but after watching this maybe a film might be something interesting to play around with. Even if I just use stills from it to work with could add something different to my collages.
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