Thursday, 13 February 2014

ANGELO / FIGURES - 13.02.2014.

After my image research I decided to start collaging and layering certain photos together. They're all either a combination of photos from the same holiday or old family photos over more recent trips to Italy. So far I feel like its going well and I am able to merge the images well to create some interesting viewpoints and layouts. I have found that this has been a good way for me to ease myself in by making quick and simple imagery in the space of a few days. I also played around with the layering effects on Photoshop to make certain photos or areas a different opacity or change the colours completely. This is has helped me to understand what works and whats doesn't in terms of aesthetics. as well as when it comes to  the quality of the images for printing. I particularly like it when the images take on a completely magical and dreamy feel since this project is about personal memories. I've lined up a few posts with what I have created so far and I'll be posting those up today. 

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